Tammy Ngo - LM HOSA Treasurer
Birthday: January 3
Favorite Color: Blue!
Favorite Food: So hard to pick! But anything from Chick-Fil-A
Nickname: Tams
Career Goals: To go into Internal Medicine and specialize in Cardiology. Just call me Christina Yang.
Reason for Joining HOSA: I joined HOSA because it made my dreams of becoming a doctor a reality. I know that by joining HOSA, I have taken the first of 1,000 steps in order to pursue my life goal.
Why Did I Become an Officer: I became an officer because I believe I'm a leader who is able to take on huge responsibilities and speak for those who are not able to.
Favorite HOSA Moment: My favorite HOSA moment was FLDA Camp and spending time with a few members.
Goals for the Chapter: My goal is to get quality members who want to invest time in his/her future by dedicating it to HOSA through involvement and commitment.